Anyway, my PLN. For me, so far, my PLN provides access to information of interest to me as a pre-service teacher and future educator. I join the Nings they suggest (such as The Educators’ PLN), click on the links they recommend, read their blogs and wikis, checkout bookmarks suggested on Delicious, and I follow all of the above through the use of my RSS feed, Google Reader. I’ve recently added tools such as Google Docs,, and Microsoft Photo Story to my repertoire.
Just last week, my experiences in relation to my PLN were particularly varied and rich. I collaborated on a group project with fellow peers using Google Docs, I created a slideshow on to use in my field placement, I found some great ideas for my lesson plan by following bookmarks recommended on Delicious, AND I communicated with fellow educators through the use of Twitter on the pros and cons of PowerPoint presentations! Whew, talk about a busy week huh? Throughout all of these experiences, I sensed a feeling of camaraderie. How cool is that? Here we are, people separated by time and space and yet we are still able to make connections with individuals who share the same interests as we do. THAT is what I find so undeniably awesome about PLNs.
I believe that PLNs have unlimited potential. The amount of information, resources and technology available is rising exponentially and as educators we benefit from this, I think, more than anyone. Like I said above…my PLN allows me to make connections with fellow educators that I would not be able to make any other way.
At least for me, I believe less is more. What I mean is, if I am keeping track of thousands of education resources to look through in Google Reader, do you think I’m really paying attention to any ONE in particular? That’s nearly impossible! I’ve realized this…I have to keep it short and sweet, just follow what I find necessary and if there is something in my RSS feed that I may not be paying as much attention to, I DELETE it!
Your story is definitely something that kids could relate to...even if it is not a dog, it could be another animal or one they wish to one day have! Your pictures are too cute! The little white puff ball is adorable and the dog on his back is too!! Makes me want them all! Good Job.